Personal Shopping + Styling Appointment

Personal Shopping + Styling Appointment

How much does it cost to book an appointment with a Personal Stylist?

Nothing at all! Our services and advice are always completely FREE.

What information about myself do I need to give?

Your Personal Stylist will ask you a few questions to get a feel for your likes, dislikes and any specific needs. They will also ask about sizing and fit preferences. Any other details you'd like to provide are up to you.

How long will a Personal Stylist appointment take?

We currently offer a limited amount of 1 hour time slots. Contact us at,, for availability outside of our current calendar schedule.

What can I expect when I arrive for my appointment?

To get a feel for your likes, dislikes and specific needs, your Personal Stylist will connect with you by phone or email prior to your appointment. When you arrive at your store, your stylist will have already pulled options and set them up in a dressing room prepped especially for you.